Textual Arachne

A weaver of threads.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Just the faq, ma'am.

Now that I made it through the Major Arcana once, and since we're in-between the quarter days, I feel as if I have far less to say on this blog. But I can't let that happen. It's not that the world needs more blogginess, but that I need to keep writing--and most of all, to keep writing about paganism.

The problem is, I feel as if I should be trying to put together some vast Pagan FAQ for this phantom audience. Since I don't have readers right now, I've been fairly free in just jumping in...but if I were to introduce this to any kind of audience, I feel as if I would need to provide long explanations.

But I don't want to write that FAQ. I want to write about why rituals to help oneself are both necessary and potentially harmful, why I tend to be sluggish in the summer, fables about interfaith cooperation or about looking for Goddess, observations on touch and stone. I want to write on the ethics of doing rituals for others, on why I'm no longer certain about naming the Goddess, on mucking around with Protestant theologians.

I don't want to have to mount an elaborate apologetics of paganism or an explanation on what magic is or means or stuff like that. I don't want to present a carefully thought-out thealogy or theoilogy. I just want to talk about my way of being a pagan.

This entry itself seems to imply that I find that act of talking scary. Convinced, perhaps, that my faith needs constant justification and rationalization, or that any readers will be approaching with hardcore skepticism.

Maybe they will. But I took that risk when I began this; in a way, I took that risk when I decided to first name myself a pagan.

I think there are a few answers that I could use to allay my fears without capitulating and freezing. I'll put up fragments of the FAQ that I worked onlast fall and lost momentum for finishing, and intersperse with other ideas. I could even do kind of a glossary, so that when I eventually post about trancing and approaching Persephone, I don't have to pause and digress about what "trancing" or "meeting" or even "goddess" mean. I can just say that she was there; I was there; and she smiles.

I don't even know what this blog is supposed to be, cries the confused and frightened part of me. But, following in the path of the paganism I love, I'm going to start doing...and let that become the being.


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